Local Lunacy

Just observations from Connecticut (and sometimes the surrounding area), that point out the "Local Lunacy" that we citizens have to deal with on a regular basis. This could cover a range from stupid places for STOP signs, to the arrogance of local government...and everything else local to Connecticut and thereabouts.

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Location: New England, United States

USAF Veteran, with extensive post military travel to and residence in some 23 different countries, living among and working with some of the best, (and worst) that humanity has to offer.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Eminent Domain = Arrogant Dominance

Well, well, well. Arrogance has a name...and it's name is NLDC.
The New London Development Corporation, ( a NON-ELECTED group of obvious Stalin School of Government Post-Graduates), has decided that their word is simply a figure of speech to dole out to the "little people" in order to keep them sedated long enough to plan the next land grab.
What a great group of folks someone in New London decided to hire to harass the good citizen's of their fair city. Having won a case before the not-so-Supreme Court just a few months ago with the help of activist judges, this "non-profit group" made a promise to the Governor of Connecticut, and it's gutless legislature, NOT to move against the people who live in the Fort Trumbull area until the matter could be taken up by the Connecticut Legislature.
Now. If you're from Connecticut, you know that the legislature here moves at the pace of an inner-city emergency room on a Saturday night. After extensive bloviating upon hearing the not-so-Supreme Court's ruling, they went back to arguing over who would pay for the next big parade in Hartford and playing golf with their "donors".
So the NLDC jumped at their chance yesterday to prove their usefulness to their corporate masters, and sent out eviction notices to the good people of Fort Trumbull. Of course, not to be confused with Scrooge, the "non-profit" NLDC decided to add a special bonus...RENT IS DUE notices, and hurry up and get off our land already!
What a great group they turned out to be!
They depend on the sheep to do nothing. Baaaahhhh....baaahhhh!!!
Will the Legislature come to the rescue?
Will the Governor throw the rats in shackles and "do the right thing"?
Will a hero emerge among the Connecticut politicos?
Only time will tell.
What more than likely will happen is this. The people who we elected to run "The Constitution State", will have "meetings"...they may even form "a committee" to "look into the matter"...then they'll turn their backs and wring their hands, before washing them of the whole matter...as the residents of Ft. Trumbull pack their bags, and leave their lifelong homes behind.
If the Governor had a good campaign plan, it might be this: "she's for the little guy...no matter what". Then she'd do SOMETHING...after all, she IS the Governor right? Isn't there some obscure old "Blue-Law" she can use to stop these thieves?
And if the Connecticut Legislature had a collective stone among them, maybe they'd get off their duffs and pass some legislation instead of just talking about passing legislation...for a change.
It just seems to me, that someone has got to be making a hefty profit, from the doings of this "non-profit"...and it stinks from New London...all the way to Hartford!


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